New portable TransLoaders by Cyclonaire Corp save time, cut costs, and add flexibility to bulk delivery options. The all-inclusive material handling system uses a diesel-driven positive displacement blower to move dry bulk materials from railcars to pressure discharge trailers for reliable delivery to plant sites. The dual-purpose, load-and-discharge units — which are completely self-contained, relying on on-board diesel and electrical power — require no special modifications to the receiving trailers and are equipped for various convey line sizes for universal use.
TransLoaders feature an HC vacuum-load semi-dense conveyor with a 4"-, 5"-, or 6"-diameter material discharge. TransLoaders include self-contained PLC electrical controls for reliability in tough environments. Dual vibrators — one for each side of the railcar — are included to assist the flow of dry bulk material during the load cycle. An integral dust collection system minimizes dusting and clean-up issues.
The systems feature vacuum-load technology and pressure discharging in a complete all-in-one system, and the overall system can be custom-built.
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