HONEYWELL International Inc and Raytheon Commercial Infrared announced a partnership to develop and market Bendix XVision, the first infrared night vision system designed specifically for commercial trucks and buses. The announcement was made at the 2000 Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville, Kentucky.
Raytheon has over 30 years' experience developing infrared technology for military applications, and Bendix has a history of technology leadership in safety products for the medium and heavy-duty vehicle industry.
Bendix XVision is being designed to enhance nighttime visibility, increase safety, and reduce the risk of accidents. Currently in the concept and development phase, Bendix XVision will use an externally mounted Raytheon infrared-sensing camera to detect and reveal low-contrast images, and an in-cab display for viewing. Bendix officials said they expect to launch the product in the next 12 months.
The system will use infrared technology to sense heat given off by objects, creating a thermal image on the head-up display. Because the camera will not be affected by light, the glare from the road and oncoming headlights will be eliminated.
A driver's standard nighttime vision is about 300 feet ahead of the vehicle, with normal headlights and optimum conditions. With high beams, that length extends to about 500 feet. Bendix XVision will increase that distance to over 1,500 feet-up to five times beyond the reach of a vehicle's headlights. This extended vision range means drivers have four times longer to react.
The in-cab display unit will be located comfortably within the driver's normal scanning pattern with the image brightness adjustable to suit various driving and road conditions.