The FBI has warned the nation of possible terrorist attacks in the next several days, based on information given the bureau, according to the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association. Washington DC-area police have been advised to be on immediate and special alert for truck bombs.
DC police also have received training this past week on how to spot terrorists masquerading as truckers, the Washington Post reported.
The target and threat of a potential attack are not specific but federal agents have in recent days cautioned District, Maryland, and Virginia police that future attacks may be carried out with trucks, rather than planes, by suspected terrorists who enrolled in US truckdriving schools.
In the last week and a half, DC police officers have stopped about 700 trucks throughout the city to check cargo and manifests.
The FBI reportedly has given pagers to some top area law enforcement officials, promising to keep them informed. Concern about truck bombs led the federal government to announce late Wednesday that it was banning non-delivery trucks larger than 1.25 tons from a 40-block area around the Capitol. The ban has been described by law enforcement as coincidental to the FBI ban. Police say they did not take that action in response to a specific threat but it does offer an extra security tool.