The Federal Highway Administration announced that it did not approve an application from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission to place tolls on Interstate 80. The agency said the planned use of toll revenues does not meet federal requirements as there is no basis to conclude that the proposed lease payments are legitimate operating costs.
“Tolling interstates is a viable option for many states to fund highway improvements or to improve performance conditions,” Highway Administrator Tom Madison said. “Because we are legally bound to ensure applications for this program meet all congressionally mandated requirements, however, we are regrettably unable to approve this application.”
The revised application seeking tolling authority under the Interstate System Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Pilot Program was submitted to the FHWA on July 22, 2008. Under the proposal, PennDOT would transfer I-80 to the Turnpike Commission and make payments.
The FHWA said the commonwealth's application did not meet legal requirements for the correct use of toll revenue.