RSPA delays date for outlet installation

May 30, 2003
Certain liquid hazardous materials hauled in intermodal tank containers can continue to be unloaded for another year even if they are not equipped with

Certain liquid hazardous materials hauled in intermodal tank containers can continue to be unloaded for another year even if they are not equipped with a thermal means of remote activation of the internal self-closing stop-valves fitted on the bottom discharge outlets. The Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) is allowing the unloading on a temporary basis until October 1, 2004, so that operators can bring their portable tanks into conformance with regulations, according to the final rule information published May 30 in

The Federal Register

. The rule refers to liquid hazardous products that are flammable, pyrophoric, oxidizing, or toxic. See the information in

The Federal Register


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