
Jan. 1, 2002
Joel Sutherland, senior vice-president at Transplace, has become president of the Council of Logistics Management. John Thomas Mentzer, professor of logistics

Joel Sutherland, senior vice-president at Transplace, has become president of the Council of Logistics Management. John Thomas “Tom” Mentzer, professor of logistics and the Harry J and Vivienne R Bruce chair of excellence in business policy in the Department of Marketing, Logistics, and Transportation at the University of Tennessee, has become CLM's immediate past president. Elected to serve on the Executive Committee are Thomas W Speh, first vice-president; Elijah Ray, second vice-president; and Mark E Richards, secretary and treasurer.

The Independent Liquid Terminals Association board of directors has named Lynne A Cole vice-president of the group. Most recently, Cole served as program manager for the Global MBA Program at the University of Michigan Business School.

The American Trucking Associations has named Michael Russell vice-president for public affairs and press secretary. He had been ATA director of media relations. The group also named Jean Bellegarde director of image programs within the Office of Public Affairs (formerly the Office of Strategic Communications). She will continue to direct the ATA-Mack Trucks Share the Road program.