NPRA, the National Petrochemical & Refiners Association, released this statement on “The Biofuels Security Act of 2007,” which would increase the renewable fuels standard to 30 billion gallons in 2020 and 60 billion gallons in 2030. The bill would also require that the major oil companies carry E-85 at half of their service stations by 2017.
NPRA Executive Vice-President Charles T Drevna said: “On the first day of the new Congress, Senator Harkin and others have already introduced legislation to expand ethanol use in the United States. While NPRA shares the enthusiasm of these leaders for measures to enhance the energy independence of our country, we cannot support this legislation.
“As NPRA has consistently stated, energy policy based on mandates is no recipe for success. Ethanol from corn is not economic or energy-efficient. It has lower energy content than gasoline, has ozone emission problems, especially in warmer weather, and poses transportation and logistical issues. Already, recent reports have indicated that projected ethanol demand is likely to create unacceptable food price increases for those in society least able to afford it: the poor.
“Ethanol is not without its strong points, of course. Besides extending the fuel supply, ethanol increases octane, has dilution benefits that help meet RFG specifications, and limits CO emissions. Clearly, US refiners will continue to rely on ethanol as a vital gasoline blendstock. But while NPRA members are among the largest users of ethanol, we believe allowing the market to operate is the best way to address consumer needs at reasonable prices.”