Keytroller Inc announces the release of its newest “smart” ignition system. The Keyenabler uses a wireless relay in place of the engine's standard starter relay. A code is entered into the keypad on the vehicle, and the “Start” key is pressed. This wirelessly enables the wireless relay, then allowing the vehicle's ignition key to work. The ignition key will not work unless this wireless relay is enabled, which means that the vehicle can not be “hot wired” and stolen.
The system prevents untrained operators from starting the vehicle and keeps a thief/terrorist from stealing the vehicle. The ignition key also can be replaced with a permanent switch, which will start the engine — eliminating the vehicle's key.
Model 700 includes the keypad and wireless relay. The Model 701 is a more comprehensive safety system for equipment, which includes event monitoring. Downloading of these time/date/operator/vehicle-stamped events is achieved by direct connection to a PC or with the new Cyberkey option, which can download multiple vehicles with one data key. More than 2,000 events can be stored between downloads.
Installation can be done in a few minutes on any internal combustion or electric vehicle. For more information, contact Keytroller, 4306 Osborne Ave, Tampa FL 33614.