The Chlorine Institute Inc (CI) has 10 additional technical publications to help operations that handle chlorine, hydrogen chloride, and sodium and potassium hydroxides keep facilities more safe and secure. All are downloadable in PDF format from
New titles available free of charge are:
Nitrogen Trichloride — A Collection of Reports and Papers (Pamphlet 21)
Guidance on Complying with EPA Requirements Under the Clean Air Act by Estimating the Area Affected by a Chlorine Release (Pamphlet 74)
Recommended Practices for Handling Sodium Hydroxide Solution and Potassium Hydroxide Solution (Caustic) Tank Cars (Pamphlet 87)
Recommended Practices for Handling Sodium Hydroxide Solution and Potassium Hydroxide Solution (Caustic) Cargo Tanks (Pamphlet 88)
Checklist for Chlorine Packaging Plants, Chlorine Distributors, and Tank Car Users of Chlorine (Pamphlet 91).
Sodium Hydroxide Solution and Potassium Hydroxide Solution (Caustic): Storage Equipment and Piping Systems Pamphlet 94)
Recommended Practices for Handling Hydrochloric Acid in Tank Cars (Pamphlet 98)
Recommended Practices for Handling Hydrochloric Acid in Cargo Tanks (Pamphlet 150)
Estimating the Area Affected by a Hydrogen Chloride Release (Pamphlet 160)
Angle Valve Guidelines for Chlorine Bulk Transportation (Pamphlet 166)
These pamphlets and others that are free to chlor-alkali stakeholders may be found at Click on the “Bookstore” button on the left side of the home page; from the drop-down menu, click on “Free Safety Pamphlets,” and follow the steps to place an order. Links are provided to downloadable PDF versions of publications ordered.