Our web site, www.bulktransporter.com is the place to find the latest breaking news on the tank truck and storage terminal industries. Recent postings detailed the impact of soaring insurance rates, a CVSA call for more leniency in enforcement of conspicuity rules, DOT appointments, and new placard requirements.
We deliver a concise report on industry developments every Monday morning through Bulk Logistics Trends, our Free e-mail newsletter. Just go to our web site, www.bulktransporter.com, to subscribe online.
Our partnership with About.com Logistics/Supply Chain, http://logistics.about.com/mbody.htm, provides another excellent source of the latest news and information, particularly as it relates to logistics activities. During 2002, we plan to participate in several About.com online forums on bulk logistics issues. We'll post the details in our e-mail newsletter, Bulk Logistics Trends.