The United States Senate confirmed John H Hill as administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). He previously served as FMCSA chief safety officer and assistant administrator before being nominated in June by President Bush to head the agency. The Senate also confirmed Mark V Rosenker of Maryland, who is acting chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), as the board's chairman for a term of two years. Also confirmed for the NTSB were Charles D Nottingham of Virginia for a term expiring Dec 31, 2010, and Robert L Sumwalt of South Carolina for a term expiring Dec 31, 2011.
Acting Secretary of Transportation Maria Cino has appointed Stacey Gerard as assistant administrator and chief safety officer of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). She will be the first person to hold this position. Gerard had served as acting assistant administrator and chief safety officer and as the associate administrator for pipeline safety since PHMSA's reorganization Feb. 20, 2005. Ted Willke, PHMSA deputy associate administrator for pipeline safety, will serve as acting associate administrator for pipeline safety.
Peter J Vroom, president and chief executive officer of the Truck Renting and Leasing Association (TRALA), was named the 13th recipient of the Bob Halladay Award at this year's Trucking Association Executives Council (TAEC) annual conference in Stowe VT. The award goes to an individual who has made outstanding contributions in assisting and supporting state trucking associations.