Freightliner Trucks has delivered a natural gas truck upfitted with a vacuum body. Developed in collaboration with VAC-CON, the Freightliner Business Class M2 112V compressed natural gas (CNG) truck will also be equipped with a CNG-powered auxiliary-mounted engine that powers the truck's water system.
Jacksonville FL-based VAC-CON provides combination sewer cleaners to municipal and private markets worldwide. Its combination cleaners combine high-pressure water and vacuum systems to effectively clean both sanitary and storm drainage infrastructure. VAC-CON tapped Freightliner Trucks to develop the CNG truck based on its ability to fulfill VAC-CON's specs and need for a turnkey chassis system.
The truck will include an Allison 3000RDS transmission. These transmissions include patented torque converter technology for improved startability at the launch of the vehicle, full power shifts, and a superior-performing engine.
The Freightliner M2 112V also features a 2,500-square-inch windshield, good maneuverability, and a roomy interior.