The Coalition for Transportation Productivity (CTP), a group of more than 160 shippers and allied associations dedicated to responsibly increasing federal weight limits on Interstate highways, applauded the Obama administration for including a provision in the Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Resolution that formally asks Congress make permanent two pilot programs that give heavier, six-axle trucks full access to Interstate highways in Maine and Vermont.
Prior to the pilots, introduced in 2009 by Sens Susan Collins (R-ME) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT), commercial vehicles weighing more than 80,000 pounds were often barred from Interstate travel and diverted onto state and local roads.
In its message to Congress, the Obama administration credited the pilot programs—set to expire in December—with having improved safety and productivity on Maine and Vermont highways: “Continuing the program will improve safety on local roads and increase efficiency of commercial trucking in the region,” the administration said in its request.
“The administration’s efforts represent a significant breakthrough in the fight for trucking industry safety and productivity,” said CTP Executive Director John Runyan. “CTP members know first-hand that heavier trucks belong on better-engineered Interstate highways, and we would like to thank President Obama and Sen Collins for their efforts to make sure the transportation networks in Maine and Vermont remain safe and efficient for motorists, truckers, and pedestrians.
“As the administration stated, roads in Maine and Vermont have become much safer since Interstates were opened to more productive trucks,” said Runyan. “But other states deserve the same chance to improve highway safety and productivity. CTP supports federal legislation called the Safe and Efficient Transportation Act (SETA) because it would extend this same opportunity to all states. Originally introduced by Rep Mike Michaud, SETA would give each state the option to raise Interstate weight limits for six-axle, higher-productivity trucks. We believe the efforts underway in Maine and Vermont greatly improve SETA’s ability to become law.”
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