Blue Sun Biodiesel and Alta Fuels announce the nation's first high-volume commercial biodiesel terminal, to be opened and operational this autumn. The sequential blending facility in Alamosa CO will provide easy access to Blue Sun B20 for fuel distributors and their consumers throughout southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. In addition, Blue Sun B20 can be easily loaded onto railcars and economically transported throughout the western United States.
State Rep Lola Spradley, who is Colorado's speaker of the house, will join Alta Fuels and Blue Sun during the grand opening of the first retail station at Acorn Petroleum, 529 Sahwatch Street, in Colorado Springs.
Blue Sun B20 is renewable fuel produced from virgin vegetable oil biodiesel, fuel additives, and diesel fuel in a 20/80 biodiesel to diesel ratio. The blend offers advantages over petroleum diesel by increasing cetane, horsepower, and fuel mileage, while reducing emissions of particulates, greenhouse gases, carcinogens, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. Blue Sun B20 also has superior lubricating properties, reduces engine wear and maintenance costs, and can be used in existing diesel engines without modification.