Vigillo LLC has released its new Intervention Manager. The web-based application represents the eighth product in the Vigillo Daylight suite designed to give carriers, brokers, shippers, insurers, and drivers the tools they need to succeed under CSA.
CSA experts at Vigillo developed the Intervention Manager after over a year of observing the FMCSA in action at dozens of carrier interventions. By observing and understanding the actions taken by the FMCSA during these carrier interventions or “onsite audits,” Vigillo and its partners can now provide carriers with the tools needed to be constantly prepared.
Each month, more than 50,000 carriers are labeled with an alert status in one of the BASICs of CSA. To better manage the volume of alerts, the FMCSA developed a selection criteria and trained enforcement officials on how to identify specific high-risk Drivers, Vehicles, and Crashes for focus during one of the levels of intervention defined by the CSA program.
The Intervention Manager is an upgrade to the CSA Scorecard and uses the analytical power of the Scorecard, coupled with an understanding of the FMCSA’s selection criteria to pre-identify the specific Crashes, Drivers, and Vehicles categories designated by the FMCSA as a priority during an intervention. Vigillo will be offering Intervention Manager directly to its Scorecard subscribers, and has developed a network of insurance and safety partners that will be authorized to offer the Intervention Manager at a discounted price.
Benefits of the Intervention Manager include:
•Automates hundreds of hours of manual paper processing to mimic FMCSA audit process and filter down to key audit targets: crashes, drivers, and vehicles
•Up and running very quickly—helpful if preparing for an intervention only days away
•Executive summary focusing on intervention readiness 24/7, including daily updates and automated re-prioritization
•Peace of mind—Intervention readiness is measureable and manageable
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