EPA extends comment period for rule establishing electronic recordkeeping

Feb. 1, 2002
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending by an additional 30 days the comment period on its proposed rule for establishment of electronic

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending by an additional 30 days the comment period on its proposed rule for establishment of electronic reporting and electronic records. EPA proposed conditions Aug 31, 2001, under which it would allow submission of electronic documents and maintenance of electronic records to satisfy federal environmental reporting and recordkeeping requirements in the agency's regulations. The comment period now closes Feb 27, 2002.

Comments should be sent to the EPA, Enforcement and Compliance Docket and Information Center, (Mail Code 2201A), Attn: Docket Number EC-2000-007, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 20460. Commenters are also asked to submit an original and three copies of written comments as well as an original and three copies of attachments, enclosures, or other documents referenced.

EPA will also accept comments electronically. These will be considered timely if submitted by 11:59 pm (Eastern time) Feb 27. They should be addressed to [email protected]. Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII, WordPerfect 5.1/6.1/8 format file and avoid the use of special characters or any form of encryption. Such comments should also be identified by the docket number EC-2000-007.

For further details, contact David Schwarz (2823), Office of Environmental Information, EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 20460; phone 202-260-2710.