Allison Transmission has introduced Allison DOC For PC Version 3.0, a diagnostic software application supporting control systems for the Allison MD 3000 Series/HD 4000 Series/B Series product lines, 1000/2000/2400 Series, and CEC2 Off-Highway transmissions.
This tool enables a technician to access diagnostic data from the transmission control system and conduct systematic troubleshooting of transmission problems through using embedded troubleshooting manuals. By double-clicking on a transmission diagnostic code displayed on an Allison DOC For PC computer screen, the technician is transported to the specific location in the Allison Troubleshooting Manual to begin repair.
Embedded troubleshooting manuals of Allison DOC For PC, complete with graphics, are also accessible for reference without using code-driven hyperlinks.
For more details, contact Allison, PO Box 894, Indianapolis IN 46206-0894.