NTTC Tank Cleaning Council writes security guidelines

April 1, 2003
With tank truck security generating fresh attention, members of the National Tank Truck Carriers Tank Cleaning Council have adopted a seven-point tank

With tank truck security generating fresh attention, members of the National Tank Truck Carriers Tank Cleaning Council have adopted a seven-point tank wash rack security recommendation. “As a link in the security chain, this is something that we had to do,” Danny Banister, vice-president of QualaWash, said during the Tank Cleaning Council annual meeting March 25 in Orlando FL. Banister also was named vice-chairman of the Tank Cleaning Council.

Topping the list of recommendations is the need to clearly exercise control over wash rack and facility. Key factors include establishing visitor procedures (including truck drivers and vendors), requiring visitor sign-in and a visitor ID badge/pass, and implementing vehicle parking areas and parking tags.

Wash racks need to establish a daily chemical and hazardous waste inventory. Procedures are needed for release of equipment, including driver ID verification. Multiple daily trailer inventories should be performed. Monitoring procedures are needed for both regular operating hours and when the facility is closed.