Up-to-date RoadWork alerts now are a key feature of IntelliRoute, Rand McNally's software that provides detailed dispatch and driver directions along with four-color route maps for the commercial transportation industry.
Rand McNally now releases RoadWork Construction Updates on the 5th and 20th of each month. These alerts are displayed on route itineraries, and details including the duration and type of construction for each location are highlighted in orange text.
New and existing users of IntelliRoute can download the latest RoadWork Construction Update from the Internet at no cost. Online customers automatically access the software's latest information.
RoadWork alerts inform fleet managers of projects such as road widening, resurfacing, and repairs lasting at least one mile and one month on interstates, United States highways, state highways, and major provincial highways and arteries. Construction affecting traffic on bridges and intersections also is reported. RoadWork Alerts allow users to anticipate wait times or route around construction delays and closed roads in alternate itineraries.
For more information, contact Rand McNally. Chicago IL.