Freudenberg Nonwovens Group Filtration Division has introduced the micronAir cabin air filter for Class 8 trucks.
MicronAir cabin air filters are “high-efficiency” filters. Freudenberg Nonwovens will offer the “particle” and “combination” filters for Class 8 trucks. MicronAir particle filters use a three-layer electrostatically charged microfiber medium that is designed to remove virtually most, if not all, road dust, mold spores, diesel soot, pollens, and other airborne particles and allergens. Combination filters are composed of a particle filtration layer and an activated charcoal layer to remove not only suspended air particles but also noxious odors and harmful exhaust gas pollutants.
For more details, contact Freudenberg, 2975 Pembroke Rd, Hopkinsville KY 42240-6802 or phone 270-887-5113.