The International Bridge at the United States/Canadian border at Sault Ste Marie, MI, has introduced an escort policy for hazmat carriers crossing the border, according to information from the Ontario Trucking Association. All vehicles carrying hazardous materials that display placards, all vehicles wider than 12 feet, and all vehicles weighing in excess of 140,000 pounds fall into the escort category.
There will be a fee of $75 (US) or $100 (Canadian) should an escort be required. There are some exceptions to this policy. For those hazardous materials that are Class 2.1 Flammable Gases, Class 2.2 Non-flammable and Non-toxic Gases, or Class 3 Flammable Liquids, the driver can obtain a permit to cross unescorted without the payment of the fee. The driver obtains a permit after completing three successful training crossings.
Drivers also can obtain a permit before May 1, 2004, under a grandfather provision, provided they can demonstrate that they have completed three successful crossings between January 1, 2004, and the date of application for a permit (not later than May 1, 2004). In this case the training escort fees will be waived.
More information can be found on the OTA Web site at