Tires, Texas big targets during Roadcheck 2016

July 27, 2016

Data is coming in from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s 2016 Roadcheck, which took place June 7-9. This year’s special theme was tire violations, which indeed got plenty of special attention.

Steve Bryan at Vigillo recently reviewed some of the results on his blog. Here is what he found:

There were 57,404 inspections conducted during RoadCheck on June 7-9 2016 in the 50 States. June 7-9 was a Tuesday through Thursday. The previous week Tuesday through Thursday recorded 36,030 inspections and the week after Roadcheck fell right back into a normal pattern with 35,159 inspections. So way to go RoadCheck, it was a definite increase in activity.

FMCSA reported in advance that the 2016 focus was to be on tire related violations. It looks like enforcement got the message and was in fact very focused on tires. A similar spike is observed looking at a May-June timeline. This is only looking at inspections that resulted in at least one tire related violation.

Where was Roadcheck activity focused? Sometimes, we see inspection activity at higher levels in some states than in others. We call those states Texas, according to Bryan.  RoadCheck 2016 continues to show heavier enforcement activity in Texas, with much of that heightened activity taking place at the southern border crossings.

What tire violations were most common? Our old friend the tread depth violation was the clear winner this year, according to Bryan. A total of 5,203 tire violations were written up during RoadCheck 2016. Of those, 2,222 were tread depth violations, almost 43%, and 616 came from our friends in Texas.