Latest news at web site, e-newsletter

Aug. 1, 2003
In combination with Modern Bulk Transporter, our web site ( and our e-newsletter (Bulk Logistics Trends) provide the best ways to

In combination with Modern Bulk Transporter, our web site ( and our e-newsletter (Bulk Logistics Trends) provide the best ways to stay current on developments in the tank truck, tank container, and storage terminal industries.

Recent highlights on the web site included a senator calling for GPS on hazmat trucks and PMAA concerned about driver background checks.

Special reports on the web site include the latest edition of Modern Bulk Transporter's annual Gross Revenue Report of tank truck carriers. Those using the web site can compare Gross Revenue Report findings from the past three years. Also on the web site is the Modern Bulk Transporter Tank Cleaning Directory for 2003.

Each week, our e-newsletter (Bulk Logistics Trends) provides additional reporting on hazmat security, regulatory developments, and other news affecting the tank truck and storage terminal sectors. Bulk Logistics Trends is published every Wednesday and has become a must-read for the industry. This concise report is available without charge. To sign up for our free newsletter, subscribe online at our web site,